Thursday, May 19, 2011


Home remedies for hyperthyroidism is one of the safest ways to cure the condition.
You should be careful if you are suffering from hyperthyroidism. Eating of kelp helps in almost all the thyroid problems. It is rich and natural source of iodine and thyroxine that restores the thyroid hormones. One should go for Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are great elements that can bring hormones and enzymes in normalcy. One of the best home remedies is to have lots of cabbage family foods such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale; mustard greens etc. as they tend to lower down the thyroid function. Peaches and pears also share the same qualities with them and hence, they are good to have.
One should cut down the dairy products and should avoid nicotine, caffeine, any kind of alcohol, sweetened carbonated water (soft drinks), processed and junk food. They all alter the metabolism and hence may trigger hyperthyroidism. Some of the health experts suggest taking radioactive sodium iodine (known as iodine 131 or I-131) that can kill those thyroid cells that are producing excessive thyroid hormones without affecting any other healthy cells.Maintain an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Because hyperthyroidism may contribute to thinning bones, it's important to get enough calcium every day to help prevent osteoporosis.
Tips for Coping with Hyperthyroidism

There are always a few steps we can take to empower ourselves and manage our health. Small measures can be taken to alleviate and reduce hyperthyroidism symptoms.

Try to:

* Reduce stress by listening to music, taking a long bath or meditating in a quiet place.
* Avoid caffeine and other stimulants as they may worsen certain symptoms such as fast heartbeat, nervousness, or concentration difficulties.
* Ice packs on the throat can help to reduce inflammation.
* Certain foods can help to depress the thyroid, for instance cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach)..
* Stay away from refined foods, shellfish, wheat, diary products and alcohol
* Avoid food and supplements containing iodine.

The better we take care of our bodies, the better they will take care of us. Remember that healthy eating habits, adequate sleep and regular exercise will go a long way in sustaining good health and well being!

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