Two Easy Lung-Easers
Here are two old-fashioned strategies for loosening bronchitis.
* Drink a lot of liquids, especially water, teas, broths. This helps thin respiratory secretions and makes them easier to cough up. Warm liquids also helps relax the airways.
* Steam inhalation also thins respiratory mucus and promotes expectoration (a fancy word for getting rid of that gunk in your chest). You can use a commercial steamer, steam room, or the old-fashioned pot of boiling water. Foe the latter, simply boil water, pour it carefully in a heat-resistant bowl and place it on a sturdy table. Cover your head with a towel and hold your face at least 12 inches from the steam so that it feels warm but not unpleasantly hot. Herbal steams can be doubly helpful. Many herbs contain volatile oils that rise with the steam and have antiseptic, expectorant, and airway-relaxing properties. Good choices include eucalyptus, thyme,peppermint, and rosemary; use about a total of 1/4 cup of herbs for every 4 cups of water. You can also add 3 to 5 drops of the essential oil of these herbs.

Cure Your Bronchitis