Monday, June 20, 2011

nature cure treatment for fatty liver

Switching to a healthy life style is highly recommended. Exercising regularly reduces excess weight and aids blood circulation. Alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and oily, spicy or fatty foods should be avoided completely. Light foods like salads and boiled or baked vegetables and meat are beneficial for strengthening the liver. Foods high in fiber and low in calories and saturated fats are recommended. The immune system plays an important role in the regeneration of the liver cells and hence should be strengthened. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, and is known for its ability to burn fats. It also helps restrict the development of fatty liver. Drinking plenty of water and fresh fruit juices assists in detoxifying the liver. Milk Thistle is the best known home remedy for detoxifying and healing the liver. Artichoke increases the production of bile, breaks down fats and strengthens the walls of the liver. Licorice protects and heals the liver due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Dandelion is known for its gentle liver cleansing abilities. A mixture of milk thistle, licorice, artichoke and dandelion is effective in cleansing and rebuilding the liver. Rosemary and phyllanthus restore the normal functioning of the liver.

Nature cure is also helpful for many liver disorders. The Indian aloe treatment involves taking the pulp of a single leaf mixed with black sat and ginger. This can be taken for ten days. An alternative natural remedy requires that you take a mixture of half a teaspoon of fennel (saunf), half a teaspoon of coriander seeds (dhania), 5 corns of black pepper (kali mirch), 5 cloves of garlic (lasun), and half a teaspoon of ginger (adrak). Boil all these ingredients in 150 ml of water for about 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and add a teaspoon of honey while the liquid is till warm. This liquid should be taken twice a day after meals.
Indian gooseberry (amla) powder mixed with in the proportion of 3:1 by weight with ginger powder can also be taken for liver swelling. The powders so mixed are to be taken a teaspoonful at a time with plain water. It is said that chicory juice is also beneficial for liver problems. Other nature cures require the yellow berried nightshade (kantakari) and the HygroPhila spinosa or gokulkantha. While taking these natural substances it is recommended that you have six small meals a day and include fruits and plenty of water in your daily intake. Alcohol intake should be avoid

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

lesson frm glass of water

A chemistry professor decided to teach his students a different lesson one day. Holding a glass of water in his hand, he asked the students, “How much do you think this glass of water weighs?” “500 grams!” came a voice from the back. “600,” said another student. “I don’t really know!” said the professor, holding the glass up to make sure everyone could see it. “And unless we weigh it, we won’t know.” With the glass still in his outstretched hand, the professor continued, “What will happen if I hold it like this for a few minutes?”
“Nothing!” came the reply. “Right, and if I hold it for an hour like this, what might happen?” “Your hand will begin to hurt,” said a student. “Indeed. And what would happen if I held the glass in my hand like this for 24 hours?”
“You would be in tremendous pain,” said one student. “Your hand will probably go numb,” said another. “Your arm will be paralysed and we’ll need to rush you to the hospital!” said a student on the last bench.
“True,” said the professor. “But notice that through all this, the weight of the glass did not change. What then causes the pain?”
The class went quiet. The students seemed puzzled.“What should I do to avoid the pain?” asked the professor. “Put the glass down!” said a student.
“Well said!” exclaimed the professor. “And that’s a lesson I want you to remember. The problems and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. But think about it a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralysed – incapable of doing anything. It’s important to remember to let go of your problems. Remember to put the glass down!”
We may not have been in that classroom that day, but it’s a lesson we would all do well to remember. Put the glass down! Always. It’s not just problems and worries. Sometimes, we feel hurt and betrayed by a friend. And we carry that grudge through our lives. It grows and causes us anguish and pain. Learning to forgive – and forget – is not just good for the other people, it’s great for you. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail and when he was finally freed, you can understand how angry and vengeful he must have felt. But guess what? When he became President, he invited his jailers to be present at the inauguration – in the VIP seats! If he could forgive after 27 years of suffering, surely we can too.
It is the same with our fears too. A failure or an incident in early childhood becomes a deeply entrenched fear over time. Fear of public speaking, fear of Maths, fear of rejection. You name it, and chances are, we have it. Someone gave us that glass to hold when we were little kids – ‘you are clumsy, you are no good, you can’t do it’ - and we have faithfully held on to it all our lives. ‘I can’t’ - becomes a thought that stays in our mind and grows – leading us to complete paralysis. Time to put the glass down!

The story goes that there was a hardworking man who lived a contented life with his wife and children. Every evening when he returned from work, he’d follow a ritual. Outside the door to his house were three nails. On the first one, he’d put his hat. On the second he’d hang his coat. And on the third nail, he’d unwrap an imaginary turban from his head and ‘put’ it there. A friend happened to see this and enquired what he was putting on the third nail every day.
“Those are my problems, my worries and my anger,” said the man. “I have lots of that at work, but when I come home, I remember to take it off – and leave them outside. I don’t take them home with me.” Maybe you should learn to do that too. Starting today. Put the glass down. And see the difference!

10 foods to reduce belly fat

Obese people find it the hardest to deal with the fat stored in and around the abdomen and the waist.
Not only does belly fat make your abdomen bulge out, it also poses grave risk to of diseases like hypertension, diabetes and stroke. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), men who have a waist more than 40 inches have heightened risk of heart diseases and diabetes.
The most common reasons for the accumulation of fat in the tummy are hormonal imbalance, excessive eating, intake of large quantities of alcohol, sweets and chocolates and lack of exercise. Stress is also one of the prominent reasons for the storage of fat in the belly. Stress triggers the secretion of a hormone called cortisol. Excess of cortisol stimulates the storage of fat around the waist. Then there's another factor of improper digestion. Due to malfunctioned digestion gastro problems arise and this leads to a persistently puffy belly. As we add years, our efficiency of burning calories goes down, so sluggish metabolism also sets off the buildup of fat around the midsection.
If belly fat is one of your problems and you still thrive on a typical diet full of oily, starchy foods and carbs, it's time for you to treat this article as a wake-up call. You would need to change your diet drastically. First of all, you should avoid eating two to three hours before bedtime to control the belly fat. At the same time, incorporate foods which can help you overcome the problem.
Here's some information on foods which you should consume if you have a bloated belly.
Eggs: They provide good quality protein which in turn helps overcome hunger pangs.
Beans: Beans like black gram (chana), green gram (chana), chick peas and green moong bustle with fibre and proteins. They help you shed pounds and improve muscle tone.
Oat Meal: Befriend the good ol' oats if you're battling belly fat. Start your day with oats cooked in water or consume them with milk. They're high in soluble fibre and low in fat.
Vegetables: Green vegetables are rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Consuming vegetables for dinner without chapatis and/or rice is helpful in shrinking the waist size. What's more, most green veggies have only 30-60 calories per 100 grams.
Barley: Barley has a considerably low glycemic index and contains lots of soluble fibre. This helps in diminishing the circumference of the waist. Regular consumption cuts down the risk of cardiac diseases and type II diabetes.
Green Tea: Polyphenols present in the tea help boost metabolism. Green tea is less processed and contains higher levels of anti-oxidants. It greatly suppresses the appetite.
Milk: When we say milk, we're not recommending full-cream milk. In fact, make sure you stay away from that. Go for non-fat milk which has the same amount of calcium and protein as full-cream milk but contains less sodium and helps prevent water retention. This reduces bloating.
Yogurt: It's oozing with calcium and protein and has very less calories (80 calories in a cup of low-fat yogurt).The beneficial bacteria present in yogurt boost immunity and aid bowel movement.
Tomatoes: The luscious red tomatoes contain only 20 caloriesper hundred gram. They are rich in fibres, lycopene and potassium. They avert water retention, thereby also preventing bloating of the belly.
Olive Oil: People realise that veggies are good for health but many find their taste boring. Add a small quantity of olive oil. This will improve the flavour of vegetables and make them tastier. But its real benefit is that it can help you lose the hateful flab around your belly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

tips to avoid snoring

If you can make a snoring noise with your mouth open and closed, try this: stick your tongue out as far as it will go and grip it between your teeth.
Try to make a snoring noise. If it is reduced, you are probably a "tongue-base snorer", meaning your tongue is vibrating and causing the problem. If you are a "nose snorer" you snore with a closed mouth, it says.
The Association lists their solutions as follows:
1. Sleep on your side
The theory is that when we lie on our backs the tongue and muscles in the throat collapse, constricting the airway and causing snoring.
2. Higher pillows
This aims to keep the airways open by supporting the neck so the throat is less constricted. It works fairly well until you fall asleep and slump down in the bed.
3. Breathe Right Nasal Strips
These are supposed to open your nostrils from the outside and they certainly do seem to do this. They can also provide temporary relief from nasal congestion and stuffiness caused by colds and allergies.
4. Snoreeze Oral Strips
These dissolving mint-flavoured strips target the main cause of snoring and are ideal if you tend to snore more when lying on your back. They contain a time-release formula, which coats the back of the throat throughout the night and reduces the vibrations of the soft tissues, helping to stop snoring.
5. Snoreeze Throat Spray
This lubricates and tones the soft tissues at the back of the throat that vibrate and make you snore.
7. Nozovent
This is a piece of flexible plastic which you push into your nostrils to make them wider and allow easier breathing. It looks like something from the Spanish Inquisition but users report good results.
8. SomnoGuard
This is a bit like the gumshield worn by a rugby player, but it is reported to produce good results. The idea is to bring your lower jaw and tongue forward, making more space for breathing. The drawback is that it takes sometime to get used to and is costly.
9. Rhynil Herbal Spray
The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association says its herbal nasal spray shrinks the lining of the nostril, creating more space to breathe. It also tightens the tissue of the roof of the mouth, making it less likely to vibrate. It smells pleasant and a friend who tried it said it reduced snoring significantly.
10. Abstinence
You should cut down on cigarettes or, better still, give up completely. Also, try to have your last alcoholic drink at least four hours before you go to bed. (ANI)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

natural hairloss remedy

Natural Hair Loss Remedies For Men

  • To rejuvenate the hair pores in your scalp, massage it regularly with two to three drops of essential almond oil mixed in coconut base oil. Massage it properly so that the oil sips deep into the roots of hair. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.
  • Massage your hair and scalp with coconut milk. Leave it for half an hour before washing it with warm water. Practice the procedure thrice in a week to prevent hair loss.
  • If the hair fall is in patches as in alopecia areata, rub a slice of onion over the bald patch till the scalp turns red. Now apply honey over the area, wash your hairs with warm water. The condition improves gradually.
  • The use of margosa leaves is an effective hair loss home remedy. Prepare a decoction of margosa leaves and wash your hair with this decoction. It not only prevent hair fall, but also helps to kill hair infestations such as lice etc.
  • Apply fresh juice of amaranth leaves to your hair. It helps to stop hair loss
    • Amla or the Indian gooseberry is an excellent tonic for premature graying of hair and preventing hair loss. Cut a few Amla fruits into pieces, dry it in shade and boil in coconut oil until the solid matter is well cooked and appears dark in color. This oil when massaged into the scalp every day, is the best medicine for premature graying of hair. Even the water in which a few dried pieces of Amla are soaked over night can be used for rinsing hair. This is very nourishing and helps prevent premature graying. Also massaging Amla juice, mixed with almond oil and few drops of lime juice every night is found to be beneficial in treating premature graying of hair.
    • Adding curry leaves to one’s regular diet has proven to be beneficial in treating premature graying of hair, as the curry leaves add strength and vitality to hair. Curry leaves can also be boiled in coconut oil and applied regularly for healthy hair.
    • Finally, Henna, the traditional herb found in India is a good hair conditioner and is the best way to healthier hair. Apart from conditioning the hair, it protects against breakage of hair and gives back that natural shine to the hair.premature greying and dandruff

home remedies for dandruff

Curing Dandruff at Home with Natural Remedies:

Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.

Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.

Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in yogurt overnight and apply the curd on your scalp for half an hour before washing in the morning.

Hair washed with fenugreek (methi) seed paste prevents dandruff, falling hair, baldness and dandruff keeping the hair long, healthy and black. Just soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water to soften the seeds and grind in the morning to make paste. Before hair wash, apply this paste on scalp and hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo later.

Egg Pack for Dandruff: Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hair fall problem away from you.