Thursday, August 29, 2013

back aches

Home Remedies That Will Help You To Fight Backaches Backache is one of the most common problems that an average adult faces in his or her life. Although people of all ages can catch backache, it is most commonly seen among adults between the age group of 35 and 55 years. According to reports, nearly 80 percent of the Americans will experience lower back ache at least one time in their life time. There are quite a lot of people living with mild to moderate backache and take it as part of their life. But, if you are suffering from mild or moderate or even severe backache for a considerable period of time continuously, then it is advised that you meet a doctor or a physician to diagnose the problem and to take necessary treatments for the problems before it worsens. It is not a serious problem as other major health issues, but it can cause a lot of pain and make you feel really uncomfortable. What Is Backache? Backache is a medical condition where you feel stiffness or hold in your lower back area and this result in mild to severe pain and discomfort. It is not a serious medical condition, but if you have chronic or continuous discomfort or pain in your lower back, then it is advised that you get it treated by a physician or a doctor. Lumbago is the medical term for backache and it is defined to be mild or severe pain or discomfort in the lower areas of your back. You might experience sudden or severe backache known as acute backache or chronic backache that is mild to moderate pain in the lower area of your back for a considerable period of time, say two to three months. Lumbago is often seen to occur commonly in younger people who work in places where physical involvement is always needed. But, it can also be caught up by people in their retirement age. There are also chances for people to catch backaches if they are not used to lifting heavy objects. What Are The Causes Of Backaches? It is not possible to identify the exact cause of backache in a majority of the people suffering from this medical condition. The lumbago or lower backache can happen from different ways, either from a fall or due to lifting heavy objects or even due to wrong sitting postures. Experts believe that backaches occur depending on the way the bones, muscles and ligaments work together in the lower back area of human bodies. The aches in the lower back area of humans can be linked to • Ligaments around spine and discs • Discs between the vertebrae • Lower back muscles • Pelvic internal organs and abdomen • Spinal cord and its nerves • Skin around the lumbar area • Deformation of the natural spine curve • Damages to skeletons due to infection or tumor • Brittle bones Some of the other causes of backaches are: • Over stretching during exercises • Sitting for long hours • Driving for longer periods of time without a break • Pushing , pulling and lifting heavy things improperly • Overuse of the muscles due to rigorous workouts or repetitive movements • Standing for longer periods • Bending for longer periods Risk Factors That Trigger Backaches There are a lot of factors that are responsible for causing stiffness and muscle pull in the lower area of your back. Some of the risk factors that increase in the development of backaches in humans are: • Stressful job that requires a lot of physical work • Mentally stressful jobs • Depression and anxiety • Sedentary lifestyle • Overweight and obesity • Gender as backaches found to be more common in females than in men • Excessive smoking • Strenuous exercise not done in a proper way • Being pregnant • Trying different sexual positions you are not comfortable with • Long use of medications that are known to weaken bones Signs and Symptoms of Backaches A sign is something that a doctor finds out in a patient and a symptom is one that the patient feels and informs the doctor so that he can judge what the patient’s problem is. The main symptom for backaches is of course pain in the lower back area and sometimes pain that travels all the way to your buttocks, thighs and legs. In most of the cases, the signs and symptoms for backaches clear away after a few days. But, if you any of the following signs or symptoms is there with you for a considerable period of time along with your back pain, then it is advised that you meet a doctor. • Sudden weight loss • Swelling at the back • Fever and headache • Persistent back pain • Sleeplessness at nights due to severe back pain • Pain down to the thighs and legs • Peeing unintentionally • Pain from your back to your toes • Numbness around genitals, or buttocks or anus • Limitations in bending forward or leaning back • Joint pains • Neck pain and stiffness • Injury or blow to your lower back Diagnosis of Backaches Most of the causes of backaches are the normal causes which do not need any medical attention or visit to the physician. Backaches would die off all by itself or can be treated with over the counter pain killers and proper self care. But, it is advised that you meet a physician or a medical practitioner if you are not able to fight the backache and if the backache never seems to subside despite taking over the counter pain killers. The doctor will carry out the necessary examination and ask you a few questions to diagnose the problem and to suggest necessary treatments to get rid of your back aches. If your backache is mild or severe, then the doctor would suggest you to carry out a lot of home remedies to get rid of the back ache and to prevent the occurrence of backaches. Home Remedies for Backaches Exercise One of the best ways to prevent and reduce the backache you are suffering is to exercise. Swimming, walking and jogging will strengthen your muscles that will support your back. Some of the common exercises that you can do to strength your back muscles are: • Wall sliding exercise • Leg raising exercises • Bottom lifts Learn Correct Standing Posture Many people do not know the correct posture of standing and this can also cause an effect on your back. It is ideal to practice correct standing posture which is standing upright with head facing forward and the back has to be kept straight. It is also important for the legs and the feet to be perfectly straight when you are standing. Sitting Posture Nowadays, there are a lot of people who spend hours and hours sitting together in front of the computers and TV screens. • It is important for these people to maintain a proper sitting posture to avoid back aches. • It is important for you to sit upright and also to provide support to your back while sitting. • Your hips and the knees should be in level and the feet should be flat on the ground. Sleeping Posture A correct sleeping posture will help you to prevent backaches when you get up in the morning and is considered to be one among the many home remedies for backaches. Make sure that you use a mattress that is hard enough to support your body. • The mattress should be able to provide proper support to your spine and back area and also must support your buttocks and shoulders. • If the mattress is soft, place a hard board on the top of the bed and under the mattress to get firm back support. • Support your head with a pillow that does not force your neck to a steep angle. Ice the Back Area It would be ideal for you to apply an ice pack to the area where you suffer pain within 24 hours of feeling the back. This will make sure that there is no inflammation caused due to the injury to your back and prevent the nerves from carrying the pain signals to the brain. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag and apply it on the area of the skin covered with a thin towel. Leave the pack for 20 minutes and then take it off for 30 minutes and again place it for another 20 minutes. This will help in reducing inflammation and pain. Hot Bath If you are suffering from backache for two to three days, then it would be ideal for you to soak your entire body in a tub of hot water for about 20 to 30 minutes. This will help in improving the elasticity of the muscles in your body and reduce the stiffness in your lower back area. Increase Sleep Stress and strain and lack of sleep are some of the main causes of mild to moderate backaches. It would be better for you to get sufficient rest at nights in order to relax your back muscles. One best way to reduce back spasms is to lie with your side on the bed, with knees loosened and also place a pillow between your legs. If you like to lie on your back, then you can place pillows under your knees to reduce your back ache. Relaxation and Yoga Muscles in your body, especially in your back area tend to tighten up when you are in a lot of emotional stress and strain. The only way to get rid of this problem is to practice yoga and relaxation techniques. Meditation, deep breathing exercises and mild yoga for your lower back is one of the perfect home remedies for backaches. Massage the Back Area A simple and soft massage on the affected area of your back will do the trick for you. If you have an accommodating spouse or friend or partner at home, then you can ask them to slowly knead your back muscles. This will surely provide you with relief from mild backaches. Reduce Overweight If you are obese or overweight, then you are easy prey for backaches. It is important for you to cut down on oily and processed foods and concentrate on more intakes of fruits and vegetables to reduce your weight. Once you reduce your weight, you will find that your backache also has gone. Lifting Tips Most of the people suffer from backaches due to improper lifting of objects. Make sure that you give more stress on your knees and legs when you are lifting and do not try to lift weights by stressing your back. Also, make sure that you lift the weights very close to your body to prevent it from hurting your back area. Moving Things It is important for you to remember this simple technique while moving heavy objects. Make sure that you only push things to the desired position and never indulge in pulling things to its position as this will put a lot of stress on your back. Wearing Right Shoes Shoes play an important role in providing comfort not only to your feet but also your back. Flat and thin soled shoes are prone to increase back pain. Always buy shoes that offer arch support and have soft or rubber material under the heels so that the sole absorbs the shock when you walk or run. Eating Garlic Consuming two or three cloves of garlic on empty stomach is considered to be the best home remedies for backaches. You can also use garlic to massage the back areas where you feel stiffer. Increasing the quantity of garlic in your foods will also help in preventing mild backaches. Herbal Oil Massage One of the best home remedies for back aches is to massage your back with herbal oils. Any herbal oil like coconut oil or eucalyptus oil or almond oil can be used. You need to first warm the oil and then use it to massage your back areas where you feel stress or strain. Make sure that you massage the area gently. This will help the muscles to relax and you can get good relief from our backache.

Best Home Remedies For Morning Sickness

Best Home Remedies For Morning Sickness What Is Morning Sickness? In medical terms, the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is known as morning sickness. “Morning Sickness” is one of the first signs of pregnancy and it not only occurs in the morning. It can happen any time during the day, but in some women the vomiting sensation is worse in the morning hours. The symptom is reduced over the course of the day. The intensity of nausea and vomiting will be different in each pregnant woman. Half of the pregnant women experience both nausea and vomiting during the early stages of pregnancy. One quarter may suffer from nausea alone. How Long It Last? In most of the pregnant women the nausea starts around the 6th week of pregnancy, but in some women it can start as early as 4th week. It gets worse for the next one month. Most of the women having morning sickness will get complete relief within the 14th week of pregnancy. For some women it will take another one month or so to ease up the problem. The condition may return at any stage of the pregnancy. In some women morning sickness may persist throughout the pregnancy period. Does It Need Medical Attention? Morning sickness is considered as a common problem which lasts only for a few weeks or months. The problem is that even the mild nausea makes you feel tired and if the problem is there throughout the day the woman gets exhausted. If the problem is not very severe you can try some home remedies for morning sickness. In some rare cases morning sickness can become lead to a severe condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. The woman has to be hospitalized and treated with intravenous fluids and medications in such cases. What Are The Symptoms? • Feeling of nausea and vomiting, especially in the early morning • You pass less amount of urine • Unable to keep down the liquids you drink • Feeling dizzy when you stand up • Increased heart beats The Causes of Morning Sickness The exact reasons for the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are not known. The physical changes occurring in the body of the pregnant woman are considered to be the possible reason for the sickness. • One of the prime suspects in causing nausea is the human chorionic gonadotropin. It has been found that nausea is at the peak when the level of this hormone is at the maximum. • In women carrying multiple children, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is more and they experience higher level of nausea and vomiting. Another major cause for the morning sickness is estrogen hormone. • The level of estrogen is more during early pregnancy, which corresponds with the occurrence of the symptom. • Some researchers think that estrogen hormone increases the sense of smell and sensitivity to various odors during pregnancy. Some odors can trigger the nausea and vomiting. • According to some researchers, the gastrointestinal tract of some of the women are more sensitive to the changes happening during the early stages of pregnancy and hence the symptoms. In some women the morning sickness may be due to the increased stress during pregnancy. Are Some Women More Prone To Morning Sickness? If you are a woman belonging to any of the following groups you are more likely to experience morning sickness. • If you are carrying twins or multiples, the higher level of hormones can cause the sickness • If you suffered from morning sickness in the first pregnancy • If you had nausea and vomiting while using birth control pills • If you are a person with motion sickness • If you have a family history of the problem. If your mother or sisters experienced the morning sickness during their pregnancy period • If you have a migraine headache history • One study found that 50% of the women carrying a girl had severe nausea and vomiting Will Morning Sickness Affect The Baby In Anyway? Mild or moderate morning sickness in the first trimester does not threaten the well-being of the baby. It is not a problem even if you fail to gain weight during the first trimester. You should however keep your body hydrated and should be able to hold some food down. If you are suffering from severe nausea and vomiting you may not be getting sufficient nutrients, you may need to take prenatal vitamins. Prolonged vomiting has a greater risk of premature birth and low birth weight. Available Treatments There are different treatments available which will help to alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness. This includes acupressure, hypnotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture etc. • Acupressure- Pressing the particular points in the body helps to reduce nausea. This point lies in your wrist and there are acupressure wrist bands available without any prescription. The effectiveness of this method is not proven. According to the researchers this band only has a placebo effect. • Hypnotherapy has been found effective in vomiting caused by anxiety, fear and stress. There is no evidence to prove that hypnotherapy can reduce morning sickness. However some women find relief from the problem through hypnosis. • Acupuncture- this is another method which claims to help in treating morning sickness. This method works for some women and the effectiveness is not proven. You have to approach an acupuncture therapist to do the treatment. The stimulation using needles can cause skin irritation in some people. • Reflexology – this treatment should be done by a registered and experienced practitioner. Your symptoms may worsen if the reflexology is not done in the proper way. Moreover this treatment is costly and is not covered by insurance policies. Home Remedies for Morning Sickness Though there is no permanent cure available for morning sickness, some home remedies help you to overcome the unpleasant feeling. Some of the important home remedies for morning sickness is discussed below. Avoiding Large Meals Large meals are difficult to digest and there are chances of throwing up. It is easy to keep down small meals. So, it is better to opt for small, frequent meals .Eat at least 5-6 times a day rather than having three large meals. Do Not Leave the Stomach Empty Empty stomach can trigger morning sickness. When your stomach is empty the acids in the stomach has nothing to digest and this will bring on the nausea feeling. • Nibble some snacks you like, when you get up in the morning before you get out of your bed. • You can consume some in the middle of the night if you feel nauseated. • Get out of the bed only 20-30 minutes after you take the snacks. This will reduce the intensity of morning sickness. Carefully Choose the Food If you have morning sickness tries to avoid foods that are difficult to digest. It is better to opt for low fat foods which have more carbohydrates and proteins in it. Complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta, potatoes are easier to digest and give a soothing effect. Avoid spicy or acidic foods and fried foods which will irritate the digestive tract and makes you throw up. Do Not Lie Down As Soon As You Finish Eating Avoid lying down immediately after having your meal. Do not especially lie on your left side. Lying down will slow down the digestion process and trigger nausea. Avoid Smelly Foods Some women do not like a particular food smell when they are pregnant and it will trigger vomiting on them. • Avoid foods which have a smell that triggers nausea. • Eat foods which are appealing to you. Do not consider whether it is a balanced diet or not. This is extremely important if you are having severe morning sickness. Eat Food at Room Temperature Hot food items have a stronger aroma and this may trigger the nausea and vomiting. Hence try to eat food which are cold or at room temperature to avoid your sufferings. Ginger Tea Consuming ginger tea is one easy way to soothe the stomach. Ginger tea is very effective in reducing morning sickness as well as motion sickness. Sip some ginger tea when you feel that you are nauseated. Herbal Tea There are different types of herbal tea which will reduce the problem of morning sickness. Tea made with lemon, chamomile and peppermint are usually used for this purpose. You will have to find out which one works better for you. If you suffer from heartburn avoid using peppermint tea. Fennel Seeds Fennel seeds help to reduce the vomiting sensation. Chew on some fennel seeds when you feel queasy. Always keep some near your bedside, if you are suffering from morning sickness. Drinking Water Another home remedy for morning sickness is drinking water every one hour. • You can drink water even when you get up at night to visit the bathroom. This will reduce the concentration of stomach acids and also helps you hydrated. • When the concentration of the acids in the stomach gets reduced, you will get to relive from the nauseous feeling. • Your urine should be clear. If your urine is dark, you are not getting enough water. Lemon Women with morning sickness can either sniff the smell of sliced lemon or they can take some lemon juice with water to prevent nausea. You can also use ginger ale, without fizz. Most of the sour drinks help you to keep down. Brush Your Teeth Always brush your teeth after meals and after vomiting. This will remove the distaste from the mouth and also keep away the tendency to vomit. Avoiding Triggers Other than Food There are many non-food factors which may trigger the nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. The smell of certain perfumes, flowers, stuffy rooms, car rides and certain visual stimuli, all these can trigger nausea. Moving away from the stimuli is the best option to avoid vomiting. Try Liquid Diet When the morning sickness is at its worst, try having lsiquid diet which will ease your stomach. Try to get the essential nutrients from juices, soups and other drinks. Breathe Fresh Air If you are living in unpolluted areas you can open your windows to allow fresh air to come inside the room while you are at home or at your work place. Fresh air can make you feel better. Avoid the smell of cooking foods and cigarette smoke. Walking Getting mild exercises help to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. Walking improves digestion and helps in the proper circulation of blood as well. Stay Away From Molds and Chemicals The smell of mold and the strong smell of chemicals can cause nausea. Keep away from petrol, diesel, ammonia, exhaust fumes etc. Avoid Sudden Movements of the Body Care should be taken to avoid sudden jerky movements of the body like when you get out of the bed. Sit on the bed for a few minutes and then slowly get down. This will help to prevent the nausea feeling. Frozen-Fruit Bar Continuous vomiting can remove the sugar from your body. When you chew on the fruit bar, you will be replacing the sugar needed by the body. The flavor of the fruit bar will also suppress nausea. Take Rest When you are tired, nausea gets worse. So take rest and relax whenever you can. Indulge in activities which will help you to forget about the discomfort, like talking to your friends, watching TV, etc. Yoga and Meditation If stress is the reason for your morning sickness you can try techniques like deep breathing, meditation, yoga or any relaxation exercises to reduce stress. When your stress is reduced your symptoms will automatically subside. What If The Symptoms Get Worse? If the symptoms get worse and if you are not able to drink or eat anything including liquid foods and water, you might be having hyperemesis gravidarum. See your doctor for medical assistance as your body will get deprived of the essential nutrients. Are you a pregnant woman suffering from the uncomfortable symptoms of morning sickness? Are you looking for home remedies that are effective and cheap? Then you can try some of the home remedies given above to find changes in your “sickness” condition

The Best Home Remedies For Eczema Scars

The Best Home Remedies For Eczema Scars What Is Eczema? Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin of a person becomes dry, itchy, cracked and reddened. This chronic condition affects both males and females and mainly affects children. It is also known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. About 30 % of the skin diseases diagnosed will be eczema. Atopic eczema means inherited eczema. It can occur in any part of the body and it is a long term disease. The intensity of the disease increases at some stages in the life and it needs intense treatment. Eczema can be triggered as an allergic response to various substances and situations. The Causes Of Eczema Eczema is commonly found in people with a history of atopic diseases such as asthma, hay fever and other allergies. Usually 90 % of the patients develop the condition before reaching 5 years of age. The rashes begin on face, scalp, hands and feet. In adults the rashes are seen inside the knees and elbows, neck, hands and feet. Though the exact cause or the eczema attack is not known, it can flare up when exposed to certain triggers like • Allergens- this includes pet hair, dander, pollen, mold, foods such as eggs, nuts, dairy products, wheat, shellfish etc. These allergens also trigger asthma and hay fever. • Skin Irritants- perfumes, household chemicals, harsh soaps, alcohol containing skin- products, tight clothing, wool are the main skin irritants. • Climatic Conditions- excess heat and low or high humidity triggers eczema. The dry skin conditions during winter also triggers the flare-up. • Water- hot baths and hard water trigger eczema. • Cold Or Flu- infections of the body triggers eczema • Stress- when the stress increases the dryness of the skin and itching increases. • Foods –certain foods cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. The food items which may cause allergy includes cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, soya, wheat etc. • Hormones – there are reports that eczema symptoms in women worsen during the menstrual cycle. About 30 % of the women have flare ups in the days preceding the periods. About 50% of the women with eczema experiences worse eczema symptoms when they are pregnant. This shows that the hormonal changes affect the symptoms of eczema. The Symptoms When the person is having eczema and there is no flare up the symptoms are as follows • The skin feels dry • Some areas of the skin appear cracked • The skin in particular areas becomes itchy and may appear as raw if scratching is uncontrollable • The itching increases at night • Thickened areas of the skin due to scratching • Some areas of the skin become red and inflamed • Some of the inflamed areas of the skin develop blisters and starts oozing liquid • The skin develops red, brown or gray colored patches • There will be bumps appearing on the skin When the patients have a flare up of the eczema, the above symptoms will be there and some new symptoms also appear. The symptoms that are developed during flare-up includes • The skin becomes extremely itchy • The itching and scratching makes the skin appear redder, raw and more sensitive • The skin becomes more scaly and drier • The affected areas become hotter • Skin develop blisters • The raised bumps will become more prominent and may leak fluids • Bacterial infection o0f the affected areas occurs How Does Eczema Affect Your Life? Eczema is a frustrating condition and causes stress. • In people with severe eczema the daily life will be challenging and very uncomfortable. • The intense itch cause loss of sleep and keep the children off from attending school and the adults from work. • The person will not want to mingle with others as they are embarrassed about the skin condition. • They won’t be able to enjoy the pool or sports activities as chemicals in the water and sweating can trigger flare-ups. Eczema puts the person in a vicious circle. The diseases start with unpleasant itching and the scratching cause the itch to worsen. The patient will scratch more causing the skin to bleed. The life becomes really challenging for the affected people. The diseases result in scars which make people embarrassed about their condition. There are home remedies for eczema scars which will help to remove the scars. Goals Of Managing Eczema You need to make smart choices and follow good routines to manage eczema effectively. The main goal of managing eczema includes • Maintaining healthy skin • Avoiding flares of the symptoms • Relieving the symptoms quickly when the flares occur Managing Eczema Good skin care is the most important thing needed to manage eczema. Some things which help to manage eczema includes • Regular Bathing- this helps to keep the skin hydrated and removes the crusts of the inflamed skin. It also removes the germs and dirt from the affected area. Do not use harsh soaps while bathing. Do not scrub or wipe the water aggressively. • Use Moisturizers- moisturizing using natural items to reduce dry skin. This is one of the best ways to keep eczema under control. Hydrating the skin reduces itching and irritation. • Cotton Dress- using cotton dress reduces itching • Cut Your Nails- this will do less damage to the skin when you scratch the skin • Keep Hydrated- drink at least 8 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. • Temperature Changes -Avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Treatments And Medications For Eczema The treatment to be provided for eczema depends on the severity of the condition. For minor conditions home remedies for eczema scars are helpful. There are various topical creams available for treating mild eczema condition. Severe eczema results in scars which are difficult to remove. It may require strong –cortisone products to treat severe eczema conditions. Home Remedies For Eczema Scars There are many home treatments which will provide you relief from the itch and pain associated with eczema. They also help to reduce the unsightly scars. Here are 12 effective home remedies for getting rid of eczema scars. Oatmeal Bath Oatmeal bath is very effective in reducing the scars of eczema quickly. Take 1-2 cups of ground oatmeal add to warm bathing water. Use this water to soak your body for 20- 30 minutes. Pat dry the skin, after 30 minutes. Use this remedy two- three times a day for better results. Honey This remedy has excellent ability to remove all types of scars. The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties to help you reduce any skin problems. Wash the area with rashes and apply honey directly on the rashes. You can also make a body scrub using honey and sugar and scrub the affected areas of the skin. Rinse off the honey or the scrub after 20-30 minutes with cold or warm water. Repeat the treatment daily to heal the scars of eczema. Shea Butter Shea butter contains vitamin A and vitamin E. These vitamins help to maintain the health of the skin. This remedy moisturizes skin and rejuvenates the skin when applied on the affected areas. This will make the scars to vanish. For getting quick results apply the remedy at least twice a day. You can also use Shea butter along with lemon juice. Mix 2 parts of Shea butter with one part fresh lemon juice and apply this paste on the affected areas. You can leave it on the skin overnight. Aloe Vera Take the gel from the fresh leaves of aloe Vera and apply it on the scars. This will reduce the dark scars of eczema. You can alternatively use it with vitamin E oil. Apply the remedy on the skin and leave it overnight. Next day morning use warm water to wash it off. Apply this remedy regularly to make the scars vanish. Lemon Lemon juice has acidic properties and kills the bacteria that will infect the skin. They also act as bleach and lighten the color of the scars. The vitamin C present in the lemon juice will help the skin to produce new cells. You can use lemon juice for the treatment of scars in different ways. You can either apply the fresh juice directly on the skin or you can mix the juice with sugar and use it for exfoliating the skin. This will remove the dead scar cells. Drinking water with lemon juice added to it helps to remove the toxins from your body. This makes healing of scars faster. Apple Cider Vinegar The antifungal and antibacterial properties of this home remedy help to prevent the flare up of eczema and also help to reduce the scars. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey in one glass of water and drink it thrice a day. This home remedy will increase the immunity of the body and helps in reducing inflammation and scarring. You can also apply apple cider vinegar on the affected areas by diluting it with 1 part water the dryness and itchiness of the scars can be reduced by this method. Fish Oil If you want to minimize the scars caused by eczema, you should regularly take fish oil capsules. The fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammations in the body. This helps to reduce the eczema scars. It is necessary to take a daily dose of 1200 milligrams three times a day to fade away the scars left by eczema attack. You can also consume foods enriched with fish oil to treat the scars. Olive Oil This is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and it reduces the inflammations caused by eczema. It softens the skin and reduces the skin color. It is necessary that you use extra virgin olive oil to get the proper result from the remedy. Apply the extra virgin oil directly on the scars. Leave it on the skin for a few minutes. Wipe away the oil using lukewarm water. Coconut Oil The virgin coconut oil has antiseptic properties and it also moisturizes the skin. Rub virgin coconut oil on the affected areas many times a day. This is one of the most effective home remedies for eczema scars. Nutmeg Powder Add water to powdered nutmeg and make it a paste applies the paste to the affected skin. Repeat the treatment regularly to lighten the skin. Vitamin E Oil Break open Vitamin E capsules and apply the oil contained in them on the affected skin. Avoid synthetic vitamin E. Read the labels of the capsule before buying it. You can also make a paste of vitamin E rich nuts like almonds and walnuts and apply it on the calloused skin. This remedy helps in itch reduction and removal of inflammation. The oil present in the nuts softens the skin and the granules exfoliate the skin removing the dead scar cells. Cocoa Butter This natural remedy helps to restore the damaged skin and get rid of the scars. Use pure cocoa butter and avoid beauty products containing the cocoa butter. The other ingredients in the product may aggravate your eczema. The cocoa butter moisturizes the skin when applied daily on the scars. Baking Soda Make a smooth paste of baking soda with water apply it on the affected skin and gently massage for two minutes. Rinse of the mix with lukewarm water. You will find an instant reduction in the redness and inflammation around the scars. Sea Salt Bath Take a bath with water having sea salts added to it. This offers the perfect cure for eczema scars. Soak yourself in salt water for at least 20 minutes. Salt helps to heal the cracks in the skin and will help to remove the infections and inflammations. Regular use of this remedy will remove the dirt scars from your body. Apart from these home remedies, take measures to prevent the flare up by changing your diet, soaps and detergents and the clothes you wear. Apply Vaseline on the affected areas after the bath this will prevent dryness of the skin. Are you worried about the dirty scars caused by eczema on your body? Are you on the lookout for best home remedies to treat the scars? Then, try the above said remedies and find the difference it makes to your skin.