Switching to a healthy life style is highly recommended. Exercising regularly reduces excess weight and aids blood circulation. Alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and oily, spicy or fatty foods should be avoided completely. Light foods like salads and boiled or baked vegetables and meat are beneficial for strengthening the liver. Foods high in fiber and low in calories and saturated fats are recommended. The immune system plays an important role in the regeneration of the liver cells and hence should be strengthened. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, and is known for its ability to burn fats. It also helps restrict the development of fatty liver. Drinking plenty of water and fresh fruit juices assists in detoxifying the liver. Milk Thistle is the best known home remedy for detoxifying and healing the liver. Artichoke increases the production of bile, breaks down fats and strengthens the walls of the liver. Licorice protects and heals the liver due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Dandelion is known for its gentle liver cleansing abilities. A mixture of milk thistle, licorice, artichoke and dandelion is effective in cleansing and rebuilding the liver. Rosemary and phyllanthus restore the normal functioning of the liver.
Nature cure is also helpful for many liver disorders. The Indian aloe treatment involves taking the pulp of a single leaf mixed with black sat and ginger. This can be taken for ten days. An alternative natural remedy requires that you take a mixture of half a teaspoon of fennel (saunf), half a teaspoon of coriander seeds (dhania), 5 corns of black pepper (kali mirch), 5 cloves of garlic (lasun), and half a teaspoon of ginger (adrak). Boil all these ingredients in 150 ml of water for about 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and add a teaspoon of honey while the liquid is till warm. This liquid should be taken twice a day after meals.
Indian gooseberry (amla) powder mixed with in the proportion of 3:1 by weight with ginger powder can also be taken for liver swelling. The powders so mixed are to be taken a teaspoonful at a time with plain water. It is said that chicory juice is also beneficial for liver problems. Other nature cures require the yellow berried nightshade (kantakari) and the HygroPhila spinosa or gokulkantha. While taking these natural substances it is recommended that you have six small meals a day and include fruits and plenty of water in your daily intake. Alcohol intake should be avoid